101 Cycling Tips for Beginners That Will Get You off to a Great Start!

Velocrush India
24 min readJul 4, 2018


Cycling is growing. Many of you are heading out and getting yourself a brand new bike. For the most of you starting of your cycling adventure won’t be easy. Here’s a list of cycling tips for beginners that will get you started on a good note.

These cycling tips will cover everything right from buying a bicycle, to getting a bike fit done, choosing the right apparel, basic bicycle maintenance, Nutrition, techniques, Road safety, recovery and much more.

Whether you are into mountain biking, road cycling or city commute, this article will surely enlighten you with 101 cycling tips for beginners.

So without any further adeu, let’s go through the 101 cycling tips for beginners:-

Buying a bicycle:

Cycling tips don’t start when you get on the bike, they start right from the moment you are planning to buy a new bicycle.

  • Budget- First things first. You are free to dream about the bicycle you saw your favourite Tour de France rider ride over a steep hill and win KOM. But let’s leave it there, in our dreams. It won’t break, cost a fortune or won’t require maintenance. You will only win classics and grand tours. On the other hand, a budget will help you decide the type of bicycle you can afford to buy. It will also let you filter down to the type of bicycle.
  • Purpose: Everyone has a purpose to buy a bicycle. Either fitness, commute, racing or long distance. Figure out the purpose and stick to it no matter what temptations.
  • Type of bike: Now that you have already decided your budget and purpose, you will be in a much better position to shortlist a bicycle. Go ahead and figure out whether your budget lets you buy a road, hybrid or an MTB.
  • Test Ride- While many of you might consider buying a bicycle online. However, before you get one consider going for a test ride. So head to the local bicycle store and try it out yourself before buying.

Read the complete cycling tips for beginners article on how to buy a bicycle.

5. Frame Size:

Figured out your budget, purpose and the type of bike, now choose the right frame size. Consider the type of bike you are willing to buy and then consider your height and body shape. Keep in mind, you’re looking at comfort. If you are buying a bicycle online, this is very imported as you won’t be able to try the product.

Refer to the frame size here.

6. Bike fit:

Now that you have chosen the right frame, get a proper bike fit done for yourself. While some of us have long legs, short torso or small hands, we usually struggle. Some of us pedal a little differently, some find it hard to reach the brake leavers and much more. Failing to get a bike fit can also lead to a series of injuries.

In such cases, a bike fit will help

  • Prevent injuries
  • Improve overall performance on the bike
  • Enhance overall comfort of the rider
  • Reducing rider fatigue by enhancing efficiency

Cycling tips for beginners for buying the best cycle accessorises:-

Before you head out, you will be required to buy some of the best cycling accessorises. The most important ones are are listed here.

7. Cycling jersey:

Wearing the right clothing will not only make you feel comfortable but it will also make you look serious. Consider investing in a good cycling jersey. These jerseys come with pockets that let you store your money, nutrition and other valuable safely. Besides, the material used in cycling clothing comes with moisture wicking property that keeps you dry.

8. Padded shorts:

One of the most important cycling tips for beginners are padded shorts. If you’re going to spend endless hours on the saddle, a good padded shorts is a must. It will keep you comfortable and reduce spanking.

So go head and buy the best you can afford.

Also, read our benefits of wearing padded shorts.

9. Helmet:

There are a variety of helmets available in the market. Take a look at some of the popular types of helmets here. A good helmet will provide protection to your brain, head and face in times of a fall or accidents.

Hence, buy a good quality helmet, it will make a big difference in the long run.

You don’t need to buy the most expensive helmet. After all, they meet the same safety standards.

Read our list of importance of wearing a helmet.

10. Cycling glasses:

Most of you might assume that cycling glasses is certainly not that important. But let us tell you, these glasses play an important part as much as your cycling jersey, tights or any other accessories.

11. Cycling gloves:

When you fall, before your head hits the ground, your hands are likely to come in the way. This is when there are higher chances of you getting them scrapped against the floor. Invest in a good pair of cycling gloves. Go for those that come with a small towel that let you rub the sweat below your nose and offer a good grip.

12. Allen Key:

Get yourself a good Allen key set. Most of the keys will help you get most of the job done. Saddle height, brake tightening, gear tweaking can all be done with the help of a good Allen key set. Go for those that come in an L-shaped, they offer more room and get the job done.

Now that we’ve made you happy, it’s time to make your bike happy too.

13. Good lubricant(oil):

Let’s accept, you are going to be on your bike for long hours and the constant pedalling is going to cause your chain to wear and tear. Using a good lubricant will not only make your ride smooth but also reduce the wear and tear, and increase the life span of your chain.

Also, don’t forget to clean your chain regualry. This will only boost your ride quality.

14. Tyre pressure:

This is one of the most important things that needs to be checked regularly and maintained as well. Tyre pressure for every type of bike will be indicated not he sidewall. So ensure to invest in a good floor pump, they will make your life easy. Go for those that come with a pressure gauge.

Failing to maintain an optimum tyre pressure will drastically increase your chances of getting a flat.

15. Clean your bike:

Just like you, your bike needs a bath too!

Hot water and a sponge should do the trick for you bike. However, to clean your drive train (chain, cassette, crankset, etc.) ensure to use a good degreaser. This will help you get ride of mud and grime.

16. Puncture kit:

With a puncture kit (tyre levers, patches or new inner tube, and pump) should always be on you. Whether a short or long ride, punctures come without a warning and take you by surprise when you least expect them.

17. Learn how to fix a puncture:

You know how to ride a bike but ever wondered what will happen if you get a flat in the middle of no where?

An important cycling tip for beginners is to learn how to fix a flat. Don’t wait for that moment to happen, be prepared.

Trust us, you will thank as later.

Bicycle road safety cycling tips for beginners:

18. Be safe:

When you are riding, ensure to stick to the left of the road and follow traffic rules. Also, never ever forget to head out without a helmet.

19. Be Seen:

While riding at night or early mornings, light can be an issue. Get a reflective vest that will let you be seen by others.

Tail light and headlight:

Get this clear, there are two types of lights that are available

  • That let you see
  • Others that let you be seen

Get yourself a bright taillight that lets you be seen by others from far. Install it once at leave it to let it do its job.

20. Headlight:

Good headlight is another must that you would want to invest once you find yourself riding on dark patches. They will help you spot any danger ahead and keep you prepared.

21. Hand gestures:

As bicycle lack indictors, get used to hand gestures. Simple and easy hand gestures will help you communicate with your fellow cyclists as well as the cars and motor bikers.

Besides, you can always come up with your own cycling hand gestures to add some fun to your ride. However, make sure they are simple and are easily understood by others.

Food and nutrition: cycling tips for beginners

Now that we’ve taken care of getting you the right bike, maintenance and road safety tips, let’s move on to keep your nutrition level at optimum. While you surely can go and invest in some expensive nutrition products, eating simple food is a great way to start.

But before eating, ensure to get good sleep.

22. Sleep:

To perform good, you not only need to eat well but also get quality sleep. Getting good sleep will help your body to recover and perform well the next days.

Failing to get good sleep will increase your levels of stress and affect your performance.

23. Eat a Good breakfast:

Before you hit the road, consider having the “breakfast of champions”.

So begin your day with a kickass breakfast that will provide your body the necessary energy and nutritionist to power you through your ride. If you want to train and become a pro, eating a good breakfast should be the first thing on your to do.

Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, pan cakes, smoothies are some favourite breakfast dishes to start your day. Here are 6 of our favourite breakfast ideas. Check them out.

24. Bonking:

A common mistake made beginner cyclist is failing to eat on the bike. As a result, they run out of fuel and eventually Bonk. One you get there, there is no way you are getting back!

Carry bananas, energy gels or cereal bars and consume them before you feel hungry.

25. Hydration:

Just like eating on the go, hydration is equally important. So don’t forget to hydrate too! Carry one bottle with water and another one with electoral. Sip when you are thirsty and sip some electoral to avoid the cramping.

If you only have one bottle holder, get a hydration backpack or else, you can always refill on the way.

26. Cramping:

One of the common problems cyclists face is cramping. When you ride harder and longer than you are used to and don’t hydrate well, you’re likely to cramp.

This is because your body sweats and you lose electrolytes that needs to be replaced. So if you are following step no 25, this shouldn’t be an issue.

Safety Cycling Tips for beginners-

27. If you’re going cycling alone, ensure to keep your loved ones informed. Let them know the route and what time you will be expected back home.

28. Stick to the right or left of the road (according to your city traffic rules). Make sure not to go to extreme and avoid the gutters.

29. Cornering: While cornering, make sure your outside pedal is at its lowest position. Apply pressure on the pedal, this will help you get a grip, especially in wet conditions.

30. Be cautions on the gravel:

Be careful when you ride over gravel.You will find patches scattered across everywhere. This gravel could be a big problem if you are on a road bike. If you are going to corner or brake, the loose gravel will slide over the road and could be a problem. In such cases, slow down before hand and use both your brakes to maintain equilibrium.

31. Learn the art of riding in a group:

When you look at a pack of cyclists riding together closely, it looks really easy, doesn’t it?

But ever tried being a part of it, it will be way difficult than you might have imagined. Start riding in a group. If you are not confident enough, stay at the back of the pack. If you happen to go ahead, ride with confidence.

Just don’t make any sudden movements or brake unexpectedly.

Keep an eye out for hand signals and warn your fellow riders of any obstacles.

Some cycling tips techniques for beginners-

32. Cross -chaining gears:

Cross-chaining is when you’re in the largest chain ring in the front (crank) and smallest chain ring, smallest cog (rear). This will cause your chain to come in an angle which your bike doesn’t like.

33. Cadence is the key:

Often, beginners always ride on higher ratios assuming they will ride at a higher speed. However, riding on higher gears is tough and they get tired soon. In such cases, painting a regular cadence, around 70–90 revolutions per minute will be helpful.

Try to find a comfortable gear and work on maintaining your cadence. Also, try to anticipate big hills by shifting into a low (easy) gear just before you need it.

34. Braking:

When it comes to braking, always remember, the front brake is far more effective than the rear brake. So try to use both the brakes together and maintain an equilibrium (60/40 or 70/30 ratio). However, don’t go too hard as modern bikes come with powerful brakes.

35. Switch to clip in pedals:

For starters, it might seem pretty daunting but trust us, you won’t regret it. With clip in pedals, you will surprised at the improvement you will see. Whether cycling on flats or uphill, you will be way better than before.

We advice you to anticipate having to unclip and to do it early! Also, get into the habit of unclipping with the same foot first.

Following the above five cycling tips techniques will surely make you a better rider.

36. Join a local WhatsApp group:

With apps like Whatsapp, you can join cycling groups that post rides regularly and head out together to ride. Ride with them and make new friends. This will help you stay motivated and get fit. There are also plenty of Facebook groups that you can consider joining.

Love what we write? Join our community here.

37. Download a cycling app:

Consider recording your rides and learn from them. Download an app like Strava, MapMyRide or Endomondo. With these apps, you can record your ride, train and improve your game on the bike. Here are our favourites.

38. Wave at other riders:

Whenever you head outside, acknowledge other riders. Enjoy the ride, have fun, stop for a cup of cutting chai, and ride back home.

Tips for cycling uphill

39. Cycle uphill

When you start cycling uphill, don’t go too hard early on. Ensure you continue to pedal over to the top of the climb. Make it a point to break the climb into parts and then tame it one at a time. Use your gears smartly, breathe and pedal.

40. Cash:

No matter how much you trust your bike, you simply can’t trust the circumstances. Hence, always carry enough cash to get you home in case you have a major mechanical problem.

41. Switch to a lower gear:

Your first reaction when you are about to climb is to shift into a smaller gear and maintain your RPM. The idea here is to try and hold a steady pace and then gradually increase your effort level.

A good way to hold a steady speed is by staying in the saddle.

42. Breathe and pedal:

Accept one fact, you are not going to beat two things while cycling

1. Headwinds

2. Steep climbs

The only way you can get out is by playing it smartly. Shift on to a lower gear, keep breathing and pedalling. Failing to do any of these three things can get you in trouble.

43. Stay focussed:

A common mistake made by beginner cyclist is that they tend to lose focus while climbing. This usually happens because they can’t see the hill top. As a result, they forget to breathe and eventually their cadence drops. So stay focussed throughout, breathe and maintain your cadence.

44. Fight the tendency to shift gears:

As the climb steepens, beginner cyclist have a tendency to shift gears. This will reduce your speed to a crawl and leave you behind.

Do keep in mind that your heart rate is only going to rise. Lactic build up will creep in as well.

SoIn such situations, remember to breathe deep and pedal on a gear that you are comfortable. As you ride further and your speed drops with lactic acid build up, slide back in the saddle and leverage more force from your glutes and quads.

Standing up and pedalling should be your last resort!

45. Climb it in your head:

Climbing is not just won physically, it is won mentally as well. While they might certainly look intimidating, it’s often tempting to just get off and not try them at all.

To start off, drop to the easiest gear and go, you’ll surprise yourself how far you get. Trust us, once you are done, the feeling of accomplishment is exhilarating.

46. Is there a right gear?

Honestly, the answer is a flat no. The only way to ace it is with experience.

Experience is the best teacher that will helps you find the right gear when climbing. Remember, everyone is different and which gear you find best for climbing will also depend on lots of factors like the steepness and length of the climb. Even the bike you are riding, how strong your are mentally and physically and even the weather and how are are feeling at the moment.

47. Stand or sit?

If you are new to cycling, we advice you drop to a easy gear, stay seated and pedal up the hill.

If the hill is short and steep, a good way to tackle it is by getting out of the saddle and pedalling. But when it comes to long climbs, it’s better to be seated, drop to an easy gear and ride all the way up.

You can watch this video by GCN who did at test at the University of Bath.

Cycling tips for beginners lose weight:

Maybe you find the gym boring or find running hard.

No worries!

Cycling is here to your rescue. This sport alone can do much more than just keep you fit and boost metabolism. Regular cycling will surely help you lose weight.

But before that, remember, cycling alone will not do the trick. You need to keep an eye on what you eat.

48. Start with your diet:

If you want to boost your performance on a the bike, cut down the junk food.

Because buying a carbon fibre bike is going to cost you a fortune. It’s wise to start by trimming yourself instead of trimming your wallet.

49. Ride regularly, Ride more:

The idea here is to spend more time on the bike rather than sitting at home in front of your TV and munching of unhealthy, oily snacks.

More time cycling = more calories burnt

50. Eat carbs and lose fat:

Consider eating more amount of carbs. The Indian diet is already rich in carbs. What you need to do is add some protein to it. Follow the 4:3 ratio of carbs to protein. This will help you lose weight.

You don’t have to substitute what you are eating right now. Start by making small changes to your diet.

51. Cross train in the gym:

Cross training is another good way to get fit and lose some weight. You don’t need to go everyday. Thrice a week is good enough. The idea here is to burn fat and not lose muscle. Muscle is what will help you burn more calories.

Don’t forget to work on your upper body as well.

52. Weekly long and easy rides:

Another cycling tip to lose weight is to ride longer distance at an easy pace. Long rides more than 5 hours burn more calories and build endurance.

So why not?

53. Recover like a pro:

Not eat is starving. It won’t help you lose weight. Once you’re back from your ride, consume more of protein and carbs. This will help your muscles to recover.

54. High intensity interval training:

HIIT also known as high intensity interval training workout can help you slim down. But such workouts need to be set up correctly for you to execute.

So what is interval training?

Intervals are basically short periods of burst. When you do intervals, you cycle alternate short periods of hard work with short periods of easier work. The cycle of work/rest is repeated several times in the course of an interval workout.

A sample workout looks like this:

Warm up: 10 minutes


2 minutes @ 85–90% of max heart rate (working very hard)

3 minutes @ 60% of max heart rate (light workload)

2 minutes @ 85–90% of max heart rate

3 minutes @ 60% of max heart rate

2 minutes @ 85–90% of max heart rate

3 minutes @ 60% of max heart rate

2 minutes @ 85–90% of max heart rate

3 minutes @ 60% of max heart rate

2 minutes @ 85–90% of max heart rate

3 minutes @ 60% of max heart rate

Total: 25 minutes

Cool down: 10 minutes

Total workout time: 45 minutes

Cycling tips techniques for beginners:

55. Keep your upper body relaxed:

Looking where you are going is pretty obvious. Isn’t this taught to you from the moment you start to learn how to ride a bike?

Riding with tension in your upper body will leave you with a few aches and pains that are unnecessary. It also could cause you to handle your bike less efficiently.

So keep your upper body loose, it will allow your bike to respond just the right amount to stones, gravel, or wind.

56. Focus on push phase:

A good way to increase your power is to start pushing the pedal forward before it reaches the top of 12 o’clock.

Next time when you push the pedal at 1 o’clock, try pushing it from 10.

57. Riding with one hand:

There will be times when you might want to remove something from your back pocket or just remove the bottle from the cage to drink up. In such cases, you will be riding with one hand.

Ensure you grip the bar on top right next to the stem. If your hand is farther out (such as on the brake-lever hood), the bike is more likely to move dangerously should the front wheel hit a rock, bump, or pothole.

So keep your eyes open and follow this tip.

Monsoon cycling tips for beginners:

57. Invest in a good wet lube:

Monsoon is the time of the year and everything is going to be wet. This includes the terrain, you and the bike. While you can’t do anything about the terrain, you can certainly wear something for to protect yourself and the bike.

When it comes to the bike a good wet lube is a great way to start. This lube will keep your chain, nuts and other parts safe from the rain and ensure optimum functioning.

58. Reduce tyre pressure:

While there is certainly going to be less friction between the tyre and the road, reducing the pressure by 10- 20 psi will make all the difference.

Dropping the tyre pressure will increase the surface area and offer more grip. Read more about this here.

59. Get good mudguards:

To avoid the splatter of dirt and muck on your back consider getting a pair of decent mud-gaurds. They will definitely help you reduce the amount of dirt being thrown on your face from the front wheel and back from the rear wheel.

60. Check the weather:

Before you head out in the rain, check the weather. If the weather is going to get ugly, consider staying indoors or wait till it settles. Do a few sessions on a home trainer instead.

61.Brake before you break:

During monsoon, bicycle brakes function 30% less effectively due to wet rims and brake pads. If you want to stop, consider using them way before. Also, a good idea is to use them together (60–40 or 70–30 ratio). This will maintain equilibrium and aid in stopping.

62. Carry spare tubes and not puncture kits:

When it’s raining, there is not way you will have the time or patience to spot and fix a puncture. To make the process faster, consider carrying a spare tube. All you have to do now is remove the existing tube, check the tyre for any wear and tear or sharp object stuck and then simply replace.

63: Stuff newspaper in your shoes:

Done with a long dirty ride in the rain?

Stuff your cycling shoes with newspapers and leave them out to dry. The newspaper will soak all the water and aid in quick drying from within. Make sure to change them after every few hours to ensure quick drying.

64. Wash your bike:

While your body cools down, give your bike a little wash. As you’ve just returned back from a ride, your bike is likely to be covered in grime, muck and what not. Splash it with some water and wipe it dry before you store in the house.

Important stretches — cycling tips for beginners

Every cyclist must get into the habit of stretching. Regular stretching will protect you from injuries. It will also keep you flexible and dissipate tension.

65. Calves:

1. Stand with your feet pointed straight ahead

2. Step forward with your right leg and bend your knee

3. Let your left foot be firmly grounded on the ground behind

4. Keep your upper body straight

5. Drop your upper body forward until you feel the stretch in your calf

6. Hold for 10–15 seconds and repeat the same with your left leg

66. Quadriceps

  • Stand straight and reach back with your right hand and grab your right foot at the top of the ankle
  • Pull it upwards
  • Hold for 10–15 seconds
  • Repeat with right leg

67. IT band:

IT band is an important muscle when it comes to cycling, running and other sports. It runs down the side of your legs and helps in balancing and control.

1. Sit down and cross the left leg across the right knee

2. Gently push down on the right knee

3. You should feel the stretch not he outside of your leg

4. Hold for 10–15 seconds and repeat with the other leg

68. Hamstring:

Pedalling motion will develop your hamstrings a lot.However, we cyclists are prone to tightness in our muscles. Hence, it is important to stretch.

1.Stand straight and bend over from your waist

2. Let your arms dangle towards the ground

3.Repeat a few times

69. Gluteus:

1.Another important muscle which is often overlooked by many

2. Sit on the floor and form a crossed leg position

3. Angle your left leg over your right and place your left foot next to your right knee (left leg should forma triangle)

4. Grasp the front of your left knee and lean forward

5. Make sure to keep your back straight

6. Feel the stretch along your left hamstring

7.The release and repeat with other leg

70. Neck and Shoulder:

You will find yourself looking behind for your mates and the traffic. That’s when you muscles come into play. Or even left and right.

1.Gently roll your neck in a circle several times

2.Rotate directions

For shoulders:-

1.Shrug both your shoulders upwards and hold for 5–7 seconds.


Road bike riding Tips — cycling tips for beginners

71. Hand position:

It is vital to keep changing your hand position. When descending, grasp the drops. Even if you want to ride at a high speed. If you want to have a relaxed position, hold the brake lever hoods.

While climbing, hold the top of the bar. This will allow you an upright position and let you create easily. If you are standing and pedalling, hold the hoods lightly and gently rock the bike from side-to-side in sync with your pedalling.

But always keep each thumb and a finger closed around the hood or bar to prevent yourself from losing control if you hit an unexpected bump.

72. Looking to go aero? Ensure to keep your arms in line with your body. This way it’s easier to make yourself more aerodynamic.

73. While cycling, when your effort becomes harder, increase the force of your breaths rather than the frequency.

74. Don’t ride with headphones on:

Listening to music can be fun but not when you are riding a bicycle on the road. It can be extremely dangerous if you don’t hear any vehicle or other commotions behind you or off the side. We advice to keep your headphones at home and follow the traffic rules.

If you still want to listen to music, get a small speaker or a clip on radio that an be attached to your bike or jersey.

75.Keep your head up:

It’s important to keep your head up so you can look far enough to spot any obstacles and take necessary precautions. Things like storm drain grates, pothole, sudden car taking a U-Turn, changing lanes, car door opening are some of the things you need to watch out.

76. Change position while riding:

Sitting for a prolonged period of time on a bike with the same hand posting can cause them to go numb. Same applies to your rear end on the saddle. Move your hands on the bar and your rear as well. This will let blood circulate effectively and prevent your body parts from going numb.

77. Don’t pedal in high gear for extended periods of time:

Try and maintain a cadence between 70 to 90 rpm’s. Find the right gear that will let you pedal comfortably and maintain the above ratio. Avoid pedalling in a high gear as it’s likely to put added strain on you knees.

78. Use your gears:

Compared to flats, climbing hills a different ball game. When climbing, shift a gear that will keep your cadence in the ideal range. This will let you make the best of your energy and let climb easily uphill without any stress on the knees.

79. Left foot down:

There’s a reason why riders prefer the left foot down. Not because they start with the right foot, it’s because they want to avoid the greasy chain tattoo on their right calf.

Cycling tips for beginners: Saddles sores

Saddles sores are an uninvited guest. They usually occur due to the rubbing of lycra in the area where you are in contact with the saddle. They are mostly caused by chafing and sweating.

However, there are ways saddle sores can be avoided:-

80. Get a better saddle:

As you are going to spend long hours on the bike, a comfortable saddle is what you will need. So try a few saddles and choose the ones that’s comfortable. Forget the fancy, minimalist design and lightweight saddles.

81. Bike positioning:

When you do a bike fit, ensure to check your seat height. It’ll make a real difference and minimise side-to-side movement on the saddle.

82. Go to the doctor:

An experienced opinion is always a good idea when it comes to saddle sores. If your saddle sores last for more than a week, go to a doctor.

There has to be something more to it!

Also, if your saddle sores keep coming back, you might want to talk to a dermatologist to see if your sensitive skin has an underlying problem.

83.Try Chamios cream:

Those who take cycling seriously will know the significance of chamois cream. Ask the pro cyclist if you know any.

First, it kills off the bacteria which can lead to inflammation of the skin.

Second, it lubricates and reduces the friction and rubbing between the skin and the bib shorts.

If you’ve already got saddle sores, cut down on your training or cut it out completely until it wethers away.

84. Tea tree oil:

Looking for an Ayurvedic way to treat your saddle sores? Consider using tea tree oil. It is antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal in nature.

85. Keep it clean:

Last but not the least, ensure to keep your private area clean and dry. Keep it clean and let your body do the rest.

86. Clean shorts:

You might start off your ride by wearing a clean pair of shorts, however, at the end, they will be sweaty with colonizing microorganism and bacteria built up. The best way to get rid of this issue is by quickly changing and taking a clean shower.

Cycling tips to treat road rash:

At times you might be able to get caught in a crash. They just happen and there is no way you can avoid them. In those cases, road rash are inevitable and the way you treat your wound indicates how quick and safe recovery will be.

87. Wash the word properly:

Before you get into bandaging or applying any antibiotic, the first thin you need to do is clean your wound with water.

88. Dress your wound:

Once you clean your wound throughly, consider applying an antibiotic ointment like Betadine. Then, secure the dressing with a gauge and ensure to change it daily until healed.

Summer cycling tips for beginners:

Summers are the best time to go cycling. But don’t be mistaken. You failing to dress up correctly for the occasion can leave you in trouble. Following these few cycling tips for beginners will make all the difference in going that extra mile and keep the fun between your legs.

89. Go early:

With the sun rays being stronger during this time of the year, it is always better to head out early. This way you can head out early and enjoy your ride and get back before it starts getting too hot. While it might be a tedious task for you to get out of bed earlier, we assure that it will be worth it. Also, you can even consider leaving your lights at home.

90. Use a sunscreen:

Cyclist treasure their tan lines. They are like medals of honour. However, this might not be applicable to each one of you out there. If so, consider getting yourself a good sunscreen that offers high SPF protection.

91. Hydrate with a plan:

Keep in mind to keep yourself hydrated before, during and after the ride. Consider consuming a sports drink that contains sodium and potassium. This will help you retain fluids you consume and keep you hydrated.

92. Wear light colours clothes:

More of common sense, wear light-coloured clothes when you head out. Light coloured clothes reflect light and has moisture wicking capabilities.

93. Take it easy:

Don’t assume that you will ride in hot weather and get back home early. Riding hard and fast with the sun will go hard on your body. Best way to deal with this is by keeping the pace steady. Take it slow, don’t go all out. Take a break or two if you need.

94. Remember to eat:

It’ every likely you might forget to eat on a hot day. Often, your appetite will also be suppressed. Consume carbohydrate snacks like bananas, energy bars, nuts and so on. Along with this, keep yourself hydrated.

95. Think about your route:

If your regular cycling route gets hotter during your ride, choose an alternative one. Riding under direct sunlight will make you feel hotter and hydration more difficult. Also, don’t forget the sunburns.

Re-routing your route through areas covered with trees or tall buildings can be a better choice.

Recovery cycling tips for beginners:

96. Cool down before ending your session:

When you are on the bike, your blood vessels in the legs expand. Sudden stopping can leave the blood to stay in place. This leads to lightheadedness and minimizes your body’s ability to get fresh blood in and metabolic waste out.

So ensure to keep your body moving a little longer as your muscles need to contract.

97. Keep hydrating:

Dehydration can increase your recovery time. Consider consuming water and some electrolyte.

98. Power up recovery period:

Protein is vital for recovery. Right after your ride or race, have a high protein snack. Foods like chicken, eggs, fish or a protein shake will help promote muscle repair and recovery.

99. Get a massage:

Getting a good massage is equally important as consuming protein and keeping yourself hydrated. A good massage will boost circulation and allow fresh blood to flow in more easily to help muscle repair.

100. Rest with plenty of rest:

Get complete rest. Doing so will help your body to heal. Try sleeping for a good 7 hours atleast. It will help promote recovery, reduce stress causing hormone, cortisol and boost performance. Plus, it will get you prepared for the next day.

101. Compression socks:

Last but not the least, compression socks are a good way to recovery. These socks are known to support your leg muscles and tendons. Also, keeping them on after a ride will help reduce muscle soreness, fluid retention and swelling.

Now that you are aware of 101 cycling tips for beginners, don’t forget to ride safe, have more fun and share them with other cycling buddies.



Velocrush India
Velocrush India

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