15 Reasons That Prove You’re A Cyclist

Velocrush India
4 min readJul 24, 2018


Let’s admit.

We, cyclists, are a different breed on the planet. From riding more miles than driving. Owing more lycra than normal clothes. Parading that hot *ss in lycra shorts and not giving a damn. Worrying about their bike weight more than their own. We are above and beyond normal.

We are simply priceless. And if this sounds like you, you might find yourself doing the things below:

1. You have a bike hanging in your living room.
Hold on, one more in the balcony.

And another on the bike rack of the car. But, that’s for the dog when he decides to join you on your ride. Right?

Look at that face! Doesn’t he deserve his own bicycle too?

2. The bikes you own are worth more than your entire wardrobe or even your motorbike or car.

3. You make sure you visit your candy store every month. You don’t just visit the bike shop, you’re returning home with stuff you didn’t even need.

Why doesn’t anyone believe me?

4. When people ask you about your weekend, you can NOT stop talking about the places you went cycling.

I don’t usually talk, but when I do, it has to be about cycling.

5. You check out every other bike on the road, and not the hunk or the chick.

6. Your grocery shopping list includes stuff that fits in your cycling jersey pocket.

7. You have turned down a ride because your Garmin died.

8. You have bitched about someone who beat your KOM/QOM on Strava.

There’s ONE and only ONE Queen.

9. When you realize you need to ride 3km more to complete that century ride, you’ve taken other 3–4 rounds in your gully just before you upload it on Strava.

If it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen!

10. You love showing off those legs. Oh well, then you realize you don’t remember the last time you had body hair.

They said women love men with beard.

11. You ride more miles than you drive. And, you end up using hand signals even while driving your car.

12. When someone mentions about a weekend getaway, you start wondering if you can bring your bike along.

She doesn’t speak. It’s an emotional connection you see.

13. When someone asks you whether you really need that bike, you have an automated answer always!

Blame the Doctor! I guess he loves bikes too.

14. Body lotion? What is that? Sunscreen and Chamois butter is bae.

15. When you have a crash, the first thing you do is look at your bike to check if it’s okay and think about all expenses you’d have to incur.

So did you find yourself in any of these cyclist behaviors? Do you think we missed any?

Let us know by leaving a comment below!

