Difference Between a Gear Cycle and a Gearless Cycle [Which one to buy?]

Velocrush India
3 min readAug 15, 2017


Everyone these days is looking to buy the latest bicycle in the market. Some prefer roadbikes while others prefer mountain bikes or hybrids. There are also a few who prefer buying a commute bicycle or a foldie. While the bicycle might certainly vary according their taste, there is one thing that is common — bicycle gears. No matter what bicycle people choose, they ensure the bike comes with gears. However, little do they know the advantages when compared to the gearless bicycles that are slowly dying.

If you are curious to know the difference between a Gear Cycle and a Gearless Cycle, here are some pointers that will clear all your doubts.

With gear:

A bicycle with gear offers a variety of gear ratios to choose from. This gear ratio makes cycling easy up or down a hill. For instance, if you are cycling uphill on a lower ratio, then your pedalling rate increases but your effort will decrease. Moreover, bicycles with gear will allow you to adjust your cadence. This reduces the stress on your muscles and makes cycling enjoyable.

Without gear:

A bicycle without gear comes in two varieties, fixed wheel and freewheel. A fixed gear bicycle comes with a fixed rear cassette, which keeps the pedals spinning any time the wheel are turning. On the other hand, a freewheel bicycles comes with a free rear cassette hub, which can coast freely when the bike is moving without the need to pedal constantly.


With gear:

The right frame size and the right bike fit play a vital role when it comes to the comfort. However, while going uphill, cycling can be uncomfortable. With a geared bicycle, uphill cycling is not an issue.
Without gear:

A bicycle without gears does not offer any gear variation, hence, this could cause a lot of stress on your muscles. Not only that, it could also force you to get of the saddle and burn more energy.


With gear:

A bicycle with gear has far more moving pieces like the derailleurs, shifters, multiple cogs that need to function together. If one components gives issues, the whole drive train might not function smoothly. As a result, these bikes need regular care and timely maintenance.

Without gear:

A single speed or a fixed wheel bicycle have far fewer components, which eliminates the need for regular maintenance.


As compared to a non-geared bicycle, a bike with gear is versatile and complex, hence they cost is higher. If you are looking for speed, better comfort and are competitive, a multi speed bike is ideal for you. That being said, a single speed bicycle comes with a simple design, which makes it easier to repair and maintain.


No matter what bike you choose to buy, these bikes will guarantee to reach a life-time. Just ensure to give them the attention they need from time to time.



Velocrush India
Velocrush India

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